Thursday, February 07, 2008

2008 - a pause to reflect and regroup

For a number of reasons, we have come to the conclusion that we will not be able to organise a carnival this year. Here is the text of a letter from Bryan Harper, chairman of the Newbury Carnival commitee, which explains why. As you will see it is very much our intention to use this year to reflect on the future of the event and to find ways to ensure that it becomes a permanent fixture on Newbury's calendar.

Watch this space for information about the public meeting which we are planning to discuss the future of the event. And if you have ideas about ways of ensuring the success of future carnivals, or ideas about the questions posed in Bryan's letter, please let us know what they are by using the comments facility below.

11th February 2008

It has been both an honour and a privilege to chair the Newbury Carnival Committee for the last two years.

When the current team took on the task back at the end of 2005 it was with two objectives.

The first was to re-establish the Carnival as a premier event in Newbury’s calendar and make a special day for everyone to enjoy. I hope that, in this respect, the evidence will speak for itself: 42 parade entries in 2006, 55 entries in 2007 and nearly 1000 people taking part and many more thousands lining the streets. The support has been overwhelming, demonstrating to us that Newbury loves its Carnival, and that many people benefit from it. It is the only event of its kind in Newbury.

The second was to make the Carnival sustainable in the longer term and to put it on a firmer footing, so that it would not be subject to the peaks and troughs of recent years, but become a permanent fixture.

The Carnival is run entirely by volunteers who give up their time freely. For a variety of reasons, many of those who have given so much time to the last two Carnivals, are unable to do so this year. Because of this, we are unable to commit to running the event this year.

However, we are committed to find a way to ensure that the Carnival thrives and prospers without relying on a small number of individuals. To achieve this, we believe that we need to reach out to other local groups, organizations and individuals and achieve a wider ownership of the event. The Carnival does, after all, belong to Newbury, not to just a few individuals on a committee.

To this end we have decided to hold a meeting in the spring for everyone who is interested in the future of the Carnival. The meeting will include some brainstorming on some of the questions which have occurred to us. Should the Carnival be a two yearly event? Is there a permanent group or organisation which could take on its administration? Can we secure a permanent source of funding to provide the £6000 it costs to run the event? How can we involve as many people as possible? Should it be combined with other town events? Can we find ways of linking the different carnivals in West Berkshire so that they can benefit from each others’ efforts? Can funding be found for a permanent part time post to administer the event? How can the event grow and develop?

We hope that as many people as possible will be able to attend the meeting. The date and venue will be advised in due course.

In the meantime, may I take this opportunity of thanking everyone who has helped and supported us in the last two years, including those who have taken part and the many thousands who have lined the streets to cheer and thrown money into the collecting buckets.

To each and everyone, I hope there will be many more good Newbury Carnivals to come.


Bryan Harper
Newbury Carnival